Wednesday 29 July 2015

My Six Principles to Creating a Dream Life

So you want to live your dream life! That's why you've been searching for answers online - to discover the principles that govern success in life and bring you the life you have always desired!
I identify 6 main principles that I believe are necessary for living your dream life -
1/ Accept Your Life 
2/ Choose Your Dream 
3/ Improve Your Health 
4/ Increase Your Wealth 
5/ Better Your Relationships 
6/ Aim for Eternity

I will be going into more detail regarding these principles in subsequent posts but briefly, these are the main issues -

Although you may not realise it now (or even want to face it), the truth is, everything that has ever happened to you has some bearing on the dream life you want to lead. All experiences, both good and bad, that have happened in your life, should be included in your search for the life of your dreams. A dream life that is merely an escape from a painful existence is not a dream life at all, since it doesn't take into account the truth of who you are. Being able to integrate your more negative experiences leads to self-acceptance, which can then be leveraged into your plans to create a life that truly fulfills you and makes you happy.

Following on from the more accurate self-awareness of ourselves gained from the First Principle, we now are in a position to choose a dream and mode of existence which can then satisfy the person we now realise we are. Choosing a dream entails creating an exciting vision that inspires you and makes you want to get up in the morning each day, then focusing on achieving it by the adoption of SMART goals that bring you closer to your desired destination.

THIRD PRINCIPLE: Improve Your Health
No serious attempt to create a better future can ignore the importance of bodily health. No dream life can be forthcoming if you are unsatisfied with your appearance, are overweight or suffer from ill-health. A commitment to physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle will give you the energy you need to create your vision and the pride engendered by creating the body you've always wanted will be a major boost to your self-esteem and confidence, which are both factors that will dramatically increase your ability to achieve your life goals.

FOURTH PRINCIPLE: Increase Your Wealth
Although this seems like a no-brainer, since practically everyone dreams of living a life where money is no object, it is necessary to think outside the box and live the mindset of a millionaire if you want to seriously achieve the goal of wealth creation. Traditional attitudes of "work hard and everything will be O.K." must be discarded in favour of the concept of giving yourself and your talents to the world (rather than expecting the world to give you what you want). These ideas and others form the basis of material success and will bring you closer to the goal you seek.

FIFTH PRINCIPLE: Better Your Relationships
Our connections and relationships with others have a major effect on our personal happiness - there is little point in planning to be a millionaire and have a wonderful life when your relationships are in the gutter, you are on the brink of divorce or consistently fail to attract a romantic partner with whom you can share your dream life. Handling this area of your life will greatly increase your personal happiness and is a major piece of the puzzle to living a meaningful life.

SIXTH PRINCIPLE: Aim for Eternity
Having created your dream life, there is no point in having one without considering the ultimate meaning of life. Since death will rob us of all our efforts in the end, a focus on tailoring your dream to include Heaven and the hereafter will fine-tune the issues you focus on to include questions of ultimate meaning. Those of a less religious bent should focus on the concept of "legacy". What do you want to be remembered for? Who will benefit from your life after you are gone? What would you like to give back? Considering these issues will lead to the lasting joy that comes from a life well-lived and the peace of a good conscience at point of death.
These are the six main principles for living the dream life you've always wanted! Stay tuned for future posts that will go into these Principles in more detail! Have a great day!

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